Mail order auto insurance is cheap and easy to apply for insurance premiums, so the needs of a wide range of age groups are increasing. In addition, due to the influence of television commercials, the recognition of mail order auto insurance is increasing year by year.
The share of mail-order auto insurance is expected to rise further in the future and, in particular, major national non-life insurance companies are taking various steps, such as expanding coverage, including the amount of insurance. And strengthen road services … It has been done. This time around, I’ll explain the mail-order auto insurance industry share and trends, and why.
About the size of the automobile insurance market
First, let’s take a look at the net premium income for the entire non-life insurance industry in 2017. Net premium income is an indicator of the performance of a non-life insurance company and equates to sales. non-life insurance company.
According to the Japan General Insurance Association, net premium income for the non-life insurance industry as a whole in 2017 was approximately 8,380.6 billion yen, of which net premium income for insurance of automobiles were approximately 4,110.2 billion yen. In other words, the share of net auto insurance premium income in the non-life insurance industry as a whole is roughly half and increasing year over year.
Furthermore, more than 80% of net premiums are shared by the four main non-agency life insurance companies, and it can be said that they currently hold a monopoly position in the industry. On the other hand, although the size of the market will expand due to the entry of non-life insurance companies from abroad and the decrease in the rate of car ownership of young people, competition between companies is expected to intensify. The expansion of mail-order auto insurance, which is one reason for the market expansion, is said to significantly change the structure and services of the non-life insurance industry. In these circumstances, non-life insurance companies have begun to manage several new plans for existing clients and to develop mail-order auto insurance services to acquire new clients in order to maintain their existing market share. You can see some ingenuity.
Share of mail-order automobile?
Although the number of mail order auto insurance underwriters is increasing year over year, annual premium income is only about 10% of agency auto insurance, which is overwhelmingly small, and there are major insurance companies other than those. of life. Urgent need to respond to customer development.
Among the major non-life insurers that have managed to gain a share of the mail order market, there are not only premium reductions and better quality of road and call center service, but also flexibility in the choice of passengers conceived as such … be sure to see it.
Additionally, overseas affiliated non-life insurance companies focused on mail-in auto insurance provide services not found in domestic companies, establish a position in the industry, and propose plans that meet the needs of each age group. … Some insurance companies other than life do. Mail order auto insurance coverage is increasing in regions with a high percentage of car owners, but it is a first in metropolitan areas and other metropolitan areas where public transportation other than the car is well developed. Subscriber acquisition is a problem for all companies.