When you purchase auto insurance, it will be scored and used to calculate your premium. In fact, this degree can be assumed. Explain when, to whom and how to take charge.
What is the car insurance grade?
The car insurance rating is set at 1 to 20 ratings for each contract, depending on the accident history of the previous year’s contract, the content of the accident, the number of times of use, etc. As a general rule of thumb, when you first purchase auto insurance, you will start from sixth grade. The rating changes each year based on accident history and insurance usage.
According to this grade discount are applied. The higher the rating (higher number), the higher the discount rate (lower premium) and the lower the rating (lower number), the higher the premium.
If there is no accident for a year, or if you don’t use insurance, it will increase by 1-degree next year, and if you use insurance in an accident, it will decrease by 3 or 1 degree next year. The type of accident.
Conditions for the person who can take over the grade
There are conditions for who can take charge of the qualifications.
Newly registered policyholders for hired vehicles are limited to the following.
- Registered Insured Spouse
- Cohabiting relatives of registered insured
- Cohabiting relatives of the registered insured spouse
Be careful if it is not a spouse living with you. If your child wants to buy a car or take control of their grades when they go to school or get a job, or if they plan to live separately, they will take care of their grades as long as they live together.